Ada Apa dengan SMADAV ?
Posted by creator on 10:25:00 PM with No comments
Tentu Anda pasti kenal tentang antivirus yang satu ini, iya SMADAV nama yang cukup dikenal oleh banyak masyarakat. Seperti yang diberitakan oleh, awalnya SMADAV diciptakan oleh Zainuddin Nafarin, siswa SMA 2 Paray Kalimantan Tengah. Kemampuan programmingnya cukup bagus, yang dibuktikan dengan banyaknya aplikasi yang dia buat, terutama menggunakan visual basic. Selain itu dia juga pernah menjuarai beberapa olimpiade math baik di tingkat propinsi maupun nasional. Sebagai Antivirus yang Handal dengan menggunakan C++, SMADAV banyak digunakan untuk memeriksa drive yang terkena virus, sekaligus melindungi USB disk Anda dari serangan virus dengan mematikan kelemahan Autoplay untuk virus. Akan tetapi di versi yang terkahir ada beberapa pengertian yang berlawanan dari Antivirus yang semula Free sekarang berubah menjadi seperti berbayar dan masih banyak lagi permasalahanya. Bagi yang pro, SMADAV sangat bisa diandalkan, terutama untuk virus-virus buatan lokal. SMADAV juga dianggap cukup memberikan perlindungan pada removable drive dan juga tidak terlalu memberatkan system. Tetapi apakah itu cukup?
Perlindungan tanpa metode yang jelas malah membahayakan. Itulah yang jarang orang pahami, apabila virus sudah menginfeksi system, apakah SMADAV dapat memulihkannya? Karena sudah terlalu banyak juga komplain dari konsumen, komputer mereka yang awalnya aman-aman saja menjadi tidak beraturan file systemnya jika antivirusnya diganti dengan SMADAV. berikut ini adalah beberapa analisa dari banyak pemerhati security di berbagai forum di tanah air mengenai SMADAV: dari beberapa sumber
- SMADAV sering salah mendeteksi system sebagai virus. Dan tidak ada fitur yang memperbaiki kerusakan system tsb, yang ada hanya QUARANTINED. Sehingga, apabila Windows membutuhkan file system tersebut (walaupun sudah terserang virus, tetap bisa digunakan – walau beresiko juga) dan ternyata hilang, Windows akan menjadi bego (Blue Screen). Kasus ini paling sering di file driver peripheral.
- False alarm. Jika SMADAV sering dianggap virus oleh antivirus yang lain, maka begitu sebaliknya, SMADAV sering mendeteksi antivirus lain sebagai virus juga
- Konsentrasinya pada virus-virus lokal saja. Berbeda dengan antivirus internasional yang benar-benar independen, untuk semua model virus di seluruh dunia. Ingat kasus STUXNET made in Israel?, SMADAV tidak bisa mengatasinya dengan baik.
- Menurut beberapa opini, SMADAV ternyata gabungan dari beberapa tool yang beredar di dunia maya, sebut saja USB security, Registry Cleaner dan Antivirus sederhana.
- SMADAV sebagai ANTIVIRUS KILLER, karena dapat menutupi fungsi dari antivirus lain yang sedang bekerja.
- Jika Anda ingin mengupdate anda diharuskan membayar
Of course you must know about this one antivirus , yes SMADAV name well known by many people . As
reported by , originally created by Zainuddin Nafarin
SMADAV , high school students 2 Paray Central Kalimantan . Ability programmingnya pretty good , as evidenced by the many applications that he made , especially using visual basic . In addition he has also won several math olympiad at the provincial and national levels. As
Reliable Antivirus using C + + , SMADAV widely used to examine virus
affected drive , USB drive and protect you from virus attacks with
deadly weakness Autoplay for viruses . However,
in the last version there was some sense the opposite of the original
Free Antivirus now turned into such pay and much more permasalahanya . For the pros , SMADAV very unreliable , especially for locally-made viruses . SMADAV also considered sufficient to provide protection to removable drives and also not too burdensome system . But is it enough ?Protection without a clear method even dangerous . That's what people rarely understand , if the virus has infected the system , whether SMADAV can recover it ? Because
I had too many complaints from consumers , their computers are safe
initially be irregular if the file system is replaced with SMADAV
antivirus . The following are some of the many observers of security analysis
in various forums in the country regarding SMADAV : from multiple
SMADAV often mistaken as the system detects a virus . And there are no features that they will fix the damage to the system , there is only quarantined . Thus, if the file system requires the Windows ( despite being attacked by a virus , can still be used - though at risk as well ) and it is missing, Windows will be stupid ( Blue Screen ) . The case most often in the peripheral driver files .
False alarm . If SMADAV often considered a virus by antivirus others , then vice versa , often SMADAV other antivirus detects the virus as well as
Concentration at any local viruses . In contrast with international anti truly independent , for all models of the virus around the world . Remember the case of Stuxnet made in Israel ? , SMADAV could not handle it well .
According to some opinions , it turns SMADAV combination of several tools that circulated in cyberspace , namely USB security , Registry Cleaner and Antivirus simple .
SMADAV as ANTIVIRUS KILLER , because it can cover the functions of the other antivirus are working .
If you want to update you will be required to payDOWNLOAD SALITY KILLER
SMADAV often mistaken as the system detects a virus . And there are no features that they will fix the damage to the system , there is only quarantined . Thus, if the file system requires the Windows ( despite being attacked by a virus , can still be used - though at risk as well ) and it is missing, Windows will be stupid ( Blue Screen ) . The case most often in the peripheral driver files .
False alarm . If SMADAV often considered a virus by antivirus others , then vice versa , often SMADAV other antivirus detects the virus as well as
Concentration at any local viruses . In contrast with international anti truly independent , for all models of the virus around the world . Remember the case of Stuxnet made in Israel ? , SMADAV could not handle it well .
According to some opinions , it turns SMADAV combination of several tools that circulated in cyberspace , namely USB security , Registry Cleaner and Antivirus simple .
SMADAV as ANTIVIRUS KILLER , because it can cover the functions of the other antivirus are working .
If you want to update you will be required to payDOWNLOAD SALITY KILLER
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