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Cleaner and REMOVAL update 25 September 2014

Posted by creator on 10:18:00 PM with No comments

Apakah sudah cek disetiap hardisk jika ada folder RECYCLER?

Atas permintaan rekan-rekan tentang bahanya virus RECYCLER LeoGa menghadirkan produk free, yang bertujuan mencegah merebaknya virus RECYCLER. Virus RECYCLER ini muncul disetiap folder sikorban dengan menampilkan folder RECYCLER disetiap HDD atau drive yang berdampak Kapasitas Hardisk semakin mengecil. Virus ini menyebar melalui flasdisk dan memindai file exe. RECYCLER ini memiliki komponen pemicunya antara lain: CTFMON.exe, MDM.exe dan wdfmgr.exe. menurut berbagai sumber folder RECYCLER adalah bug dari Servicepack windows 7, akan tetapi berdasarkan penelitian memang ada sebagian updater wind yang kemudian dimanfaatkan Virus Maker sebagai jalan penyebaran.

Prinsip kerja LoclLeoGa 3.0
1. Process terminating atau Menghentikan proses Virus CTFMON.exe
2. Scan disetiap folder Baik local hardisk maupun Removable spt Flashdisk
3. Spoofing dan attacking atau pengerusakan virus file
4. Duplikasi dirinya layaknya virus yang kemudian memblok jalanya virus
5. LockLeoGa 1.0 Tidak perlu diinstall cukup dijalankan saja.
6. File exe yang sudah terkena RECYCLER sebagai pemicu RECYCLER harus diinstall kembali agar steril
LockLeoGa 3.0 dapat anda
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Have a check on each disk if there is a RECYCLER folder?
At the request of colleagues about the danger of presenting LeoGa RECYCLER virus free products, aimed at preventing the spread of the virus RECYCLER. RECYCLER virus appears each sikorban folder by displaying the folder RECYCLER in every drive that affect the HDD or HDD capacity has narrowed. The virus is spread through flasdisk and scan the exe file. This has triggered RECYCLER components include: ctfmon.exe, MDM.exe and wdfmgr.exe. according to various sources RECYCLER folder is a bug from ServicePack Windows 7, but based on the research there is some wind updater Virus Maker is then used as a way of deployment.
The working principle LoclLeoGa 3.0
1. Process terminating or Stop the Virus ctfmon.exe
2. Both scans each folder such as local hard drives or removable flash
3. Spoofing and attacking or vandalism of virus files
4. Duplication itself like a virus which then block the virus nets
5. LockLeoGa 1.0 No need to install fairly run alone.
6. Exe files that have been exposed as a trigger RECYCLER RECYCLER must be installed back to the sterile

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